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by Intertek
Tanggal pendaftaran perusahaan2019-11-15
Luas lantai(㎡)6242
Pendapatan ekspor tahunan (USD)10500000
Bahasa yang diterimaEnglish
Tahun mengekspor4
Tahun di industri4
Kemampuan produksi
Lini produksi1
Total output tahunan (unit)19200
Mesin produksi40
Kontrol kualitas
Dukungan Produk ketertelusuran bahan bakuYes
Metode pemeriksaan produkInspection of all products
Kontrol kualitas dilakukan di semua lini produksiYes
Pemeriksa QA/QC4
Latar belakang perdagangan
Pasar utamaSoutheast Asia(50%), Domestic Market(30%), Eastern Asia(10%)
Mitra rantai pasokan50
Jenis klien utamaRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
Kemampuan R&D
Opsi kustomisasicustomized on demand
Produk baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun lalu8
Staf teknis R&D4
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D4 graduate
Ulasan Perusahaan (1)
5.0 /5
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Please read entire review. I cannot speak highly enough of the customer service provided by this supplier. Jiessie, in particular, was one of the nicest, most helpful people I've ever met. I would hire her tomorrow to work with my customers. Unfortunately, the goods I purchased were stolen by the shipper (of my own choosing!), so I am not able to offer an opinion on their product. Apparently, this is one of the dangers of doing business through Alibaba.Jiessie suggested a preferred forward freighter but I went with one that Alibaba had offered. HUGE MISTAKE! Always go with the shipper your supplier recommends! In my opinion, Alibaba not only does not vet their logistics suppliers carefully, but they don't stand behind them either. It has been months since I requested a refund of the SHIPPING FEES (to be clear, paid to an independent shipper that had nothing to do with Jiessie or the supplier) and no refund yet! Plain old theft!
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